Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair

Benoit Baudry and Benoit Combemale have been general co-chairs for MODELS 2016, the major international conference in the area of model-driven software and systems engineering.

Member of the Organizing Committees

Mathieu Acher:

  • Social media chair, MODELS 2016

Arnaud Blouin:

  • Student volunteers co-chair, MODELS 2016

  • Social Media Chair, EICS 2016

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees

Noël Plouzeau was the program committee chair of the Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE) in 2016. Jean-Marc Jézéquel was co-chair of Digital Intelligence 2016, April 2016, Quebec City, Canada.

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Mathieu Acher:

  • PC member SPLC 2016

  • PC member SAC 2016

  • PC member VaMoS 2016

  • PC member SEAA 2016

  • PC member REVE 2016

Olivier Barais:

  • PC member SEAA 2016

  • PC member 10th IEEE ICOSST-2016

  • PC member compas2016

  • PC member ASE 2016

  • PC member TTC 2016

  • PC member SAC 2016

Benoit Baudry:

  • PC member ICSE 2016

  • PC member ISSTA 2016

  • PC member ICST 2016

  • PC member ASE 2016

Arnaud Blouin:

  • PC member of the foundation track for MODELS 2016

  • PC member for IHM 2016

  • PC member of the NIER/demo track for VISSOFT 2016

  • PC member for the UCDAS workshop at COMPSAC 2016

Benoit Combemale:

  • PC member for ECMFA’16

  • PC member for ICMT’16

  • PC member for the GEMOC’16 workshop at MODELS’16

  • PC member for the EXE’16 workshop at MODELS’16

  • PC member for the MiSE’16 workshop at ICSE’16

  • PC member for the LaMOD’16 workshop at Modularity’16

  • PC member for the MoMo’16 workshop at Modularity’16

Johann Bourcier:

  • PC member for the SEsCPS’16 workshop at ICSE’16

Jean-Marc Jézéquel:

  • Program Board of MODELS 2016

  • PC member for SPLC 2016 Industry Track

  • PC member for SPLC 2016 Vision Track

  • PC member for SEAMS 2016

  • PC member for GEMOC 2016


Arnaud Blouin was a reviewer for ICST 2016, ASE 2016, ECMFA 2016. Noël Plouzeau was a reviewer for ICSE 2016. Olivier Barais was a reviewer for ICSE 2016, Sosym 2016. Johann Bourcier was a reviewer for ICSE 2016, ASE 2016 and Middleware 2016.


Member of the Editorial Boards

Benoit Baudry:


  • STVR

Benoit Combemale:

  • Springer Journal on Software and System Modeling (SoSYM),

  • Elsevier Journal on Computer Languages, Systems and Structures (COMLAN),

  • Elsevier Journal on Science of Computer Programming (SCP), Advisory Board member of the Software Section.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Mathieu Acher was a reviewer for TSE, JSS, IST.

Johann Bourcier was a reviewer for JSS, IEEE Communications Magazine,

Arnaud Blouin: SoSyM

Jean-Marc Jézéquel:

  • Associate Editor in Chief of SOSYM

  • IEEE Computer

  • JSS

  • JOT

Invited Talks

Benoit Baudry:

  • Running software in uncertain environments. Invited talk at the ACCESS Distinguished Lecture Series at KTH, Stockholm.

  • ECSLER: tool support for runtime evolution inside the JVM at the CREST workshop on genetic improvement, University College London.

  • Improving software quality and DevOps automation with STAMP at OW2’con 2016.

Benoit Combemale:

  • Towards Language-Oriented Modeling. Invited talk at RWTH Aachen University, Germany.

  • Dynamic Validation & Verification in Language-Oriented Modeling. Keynote at MoDeVVA 2016.

  • On the Globalization of Modeling Languages. Invited talk at CNES.

  • A Bit of Software Engineering! Invited talk at Airbus.

  • Modeling for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems. Invited talk at the French CPS days.

  • Modeling for Sustainability. Invited talk at Lancaster University, United Kingdom.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Benoit Baudry:

  • Steering committee member for the ACM/IEEE MODELS conference

Benoit Combemale:

  • Steering committee member for the ACM SLE conference

  • Founding member and member of the advisory board of the GEMOC initiative.

Research Administration

Benoit Baudry is the leader of the DiverSE research team; he is in the scientific advisory board of the SVV lab, University of Luxembourg.

Jean-Marc Jézéquel is Director of IRISA (UMR 6074). He is Coordinator of the academic club of the French Cyber-defense Excellence Cluster, and Director of the Rennes Node of EIT Digital.